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Healing Divorce or Break-UP Intensives

Release the Pain ❤️ Reclaim Your Life

Are you struggling to recover from a difficult breakup or painful divorce?

A traumatic breakup or divorce is one of life's most challenging experiences. It brings immense pain and loneliness, and many people are unprepared for how to navigate through it effectively. Without proper support during this difficult time, the emotional pain can linger for years, impacting your entire life.

Are you?

  • Feeling trapped in the aftermath of your breakup?

  • Exhausted from facing it alone?

  • Struggling to let go and move on with your life?

  • Overwhelmed by the emotional ups and downs of your breakup or divorce?

  • finding it hard to shield your children from your pain?

  • Still carrying the burden of a past breakup or divorce?

  • Hesitant to open your heart to love again?

Let's chat about how an intensive and how it works for your growth.


Divorce doesn’t have to harm those you love. As a parent, you never intend to hurt your children, but without the right support to heal after a painful divorce, your unresolved emotions can affect them deeply. Your children are likely struggling too and need you to be healed and whole, so you can be a source of strength and hope for them.


Breakups can be one of the most isolationg experiences in your lifetime. Feelings of being overwhelmed with guilt, anger, frustration, sadness, loss, lost and loss can lead to isolation, withdrawing from friend and family, and even difficulty at work.  Some alone time is healing, the balance is crucial to spend time with others and receive support from others who have been down the same path, along with assistance from an expert therapist can prove essential. 

How does it work?

Prior to the  Intensive, we meet for a Pre-Intensive Interview to determine the goal of the time.  We will look at what your life looks like now (your support system, stressors, ways you cope, and places that you want relief, growth, or to take a big step forward).  During the Intensive we do 2 things: 1) Make the painful stuff in your life hurt less and 2) Help the good stuff feel even better.  We do this within the 3 hour block as well as resourcing activities like guided meditation, somatic movements, art - incorporating the bilateral stimulation.  Depending on where you are in your journey, we may spend time on your earliest relationships in life (i.e. attachment).  For others, the focus is more future oriented.  This process can be very personal and customized to you.  After the  Intensive, we meet for a Post-Intensive Interview to reflect on the elements that were most meaningful to you and how you want to infuse that into your life moving forward.  I emphasize sharing insights with the important people in your life, so they can partner with you and celebrate your progress!

Let's work together

What is an Intensive Therapy?

Intensive Therapy is a powerful way to accelerate the healing that you would experience in a typical therapy session.  Rather than going to counseling for an hour session once a week, you would set aside a specific chunk of time - 3 hours for intensive therapeutic work.  It is a concentrated way to get the power of therapy without having time in between sessions.  It helps people journey deeper and feel better faster.

Journey deeper. Feel better faster.

Why do an Intensive?

  • You want to experience deep therapeutic work that can change your life

  • You had a very painful experience that is still impacting you today

  • You have done therapy before and found it helpful for your healing and wellbeing but want to experience potential for faster healing

  • You want to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for a big life event like a wedding, becoming a parent, a medical procedure, starting a new job, or moving to a new city

  • You already go to weekly therapy and you feel stuck or on the verge of a break through.  

What does an Intensive include?

Pre-Intensive Interview

A 90-minute session to determine the goals of the Intensive and pepare for the experience. We will identify the painful memories, beliefs, emotions, or images from which you are seeking relief.

Personalized treatment workbook

The workbook includes assessments and activities to prepare for the Intensive. The workbook allows you keep a record of progress on your treatment goals before, during, and after our sessions.

Customized treatment program

The  Intensive sessions take place  virtually, and are scheduled for 1-3 days for 3 hours each day.  Includes targeted treatment and resourcing activities customized for you. In-person by special request (additional cost). If coming into town, or if you wish me to fly to your location, alternative healing options may be included. 

Post-Intensive Interview

A 90-minute session to debrief the experience and reflect on areas of insight, relief, and transformation.  Discuss your next steps for continued growth and healing.

Options & Investment

1 Day

Starting at $2,875


  • 8 hour program
  • 6 face to face hours
  • Resources, assessments, & personalized treatment workbook
  • Weekday availablity

2 Days

Starting at $3,950


  • 11 hour program
  • 9 face to face hours
  • Resources, assessments, & personalized treatmet workbook
  • Weekday availability

3 Days

Starting at $5,050


  • 14 hour program
  • 12 face to face hours
  • Resources, assessments, & personalized treatment workbook
  • Weekday Availability